

Remember to mark your diary with the dates. We will send a reminder closer to the time with the links for your access. Each day you will have access to 7 videos (starting at 8am NZT) for 24 hours to watch throughout the day.


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Here is the schedule for the three days:

Friday, Oct 9th


Growing Self-Directed Children with Habits of Mind

Cat Levine

Developing Empathy in your Child

Jacqlin Richards

The 3 F’s for Parent Empowerment: Fun, Funk & Freedom

Travis Bell

How To Create Your Bucket List & #tickitB4Ukickit

Dr Justin Coulson

Understanding Discipline

Megan Gallagher

Parenting with the Heart and Brain in Mind

Sue O'Callaghan

Boundary Setting and Resilience in Developing a Healthy Sense of Self

Seth Perler

Executive Function and Helping Kids Launch an Independent Future

Saturday, Oct 10th

Amy Scott

Communicate Like Your Life Depends On It

Tony Ryan

Growing Up As Well Beings

Cat Coluccio

Practical Hacks to Help your Teen Confidently Launch into Life

Dave Atkinson

Pause, Hold, Engage

Joanne Webb

The Importance of Self-Love and what we pass on to Our Children

Ryan Martin

Why Sleep Matters - A Look Into the Effects of Not Getting Proper Rest

Emma Wright

How to Talk to your Child about Food/Weight so Body Image Stays Healthy


Troubleshooting Time Management with Procrastination-Prone Students 

Sunday, Oct 11th

Lauren Parsons

5 Keys to Being Vibrant, Confident and Energised at Any Age!

Lisa O'NeilL

Parenting Power

Kari Sutton

Raising Resilient Kids in Tough Times

Terry Skeens

Creating your Path. Finding your Purpose.

Kara-Leah Grant

Mastering Fear and Uncertainty

Graeme Barber

Creating Happy Successful Learners- a Parents Perspective

Cathy Sheppard

Building a Strong Foundational Relationship with your Child

Therese Boyle

What If We Already Have Everything We Need Inside Us?

Other helpful links for you are below:

Share with a friend who wants to join

Full schedule PDF download here

Tips for Summit Success PDF download (coming)

Notes Template PDF download (coming)

Join the Facebook Group for discussions, extra links and where the prize draws will be announced

Convert your time Zone here

Not sure you can watch all the videos over the 3 days? We have designed an All-Access Package which means you can watch all the videos, or listen to the audio tracks at your own pace, in your own time.

We know there is a great deal of information to absorb over 3 days and you can’t always watch and take notes and be 100% focused on a speaker to learn as much as possible. That is why we have created the Spectrum Parenting Online Summit All-Access Package.

Save 75% when you upgrade before Friday, October 9th!

When you up grade to the All Access Package you’ll receive:

  • Unlimited access to all 2020 Parenting for Resilience, Confidence and Independence recordings
  • Ability to download the audio tracks to listen while you are driving, doing housework, exercising, gardening etc
  • Ability to download the videos to watch at your leisure
  • Special bonuses from many of the presenters

This way you don’t need to worry about missing out on a presenter and you can watch at a time that suits you. You will have a lifetime access to the content!

Not sure you can watch all the videos over the 3 days? We have designed an All-Access Package which means you can watch all the videos, or listen to the audio tracks at your own pace, in your own time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Spectrum Parenting for Resilience, Confidence & Independence Online Summit?

It is totally online – watch from the comfort of your home or office. Create watch parties and get together online or in person with friends, family or colleagues to share the aha’s, learnings and your action plan.

When is the Spectrum Parenting for Resilience, Confidence & Independence Online Summit?

Friday 9th, Saturday 10th, Sunday 11th October 2020 (This maybe different in other countries)

How does it work?

Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email to confirm your place. A few days before the Summit you will be emailed with the links for the access to the presenters each day.

When does each day start?

Each day 7 videos will go live at 8am NZT and you will have 24 hours to watch these. Each morning you will be emailed the next link for the next 7 videos. Check your Time Zone here

How much does it cost?

The Spectrum Parenting for Resilience, Confidence & Independence Online Summit is totally FREE.

What if I want to watch the videos after the 24 hours?

You can purchase an All-Access Package and watch (as well as download) the videos, audio and bonuses from each speaker. Dates and investments depend on when you purchase. See details below and click here to upgrade.

©2020 Spectrum Education Parenting Summit.  All rights reserved. Website by Stephenie Zamora Media.

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